What is health? Health means different things to different people. Some of us go on regular diets, fasting and detox. Others follow a keto diet. Some choose not to eat meat and other animal products. Some exercise, others rest. Health is not a one size fits all solution.
Can listening to our bodies be the solution? It could be if your body is in balance and not craving unhealthy foods. But for most of us our bodies don’t choose healthy options, our bodies crave foods which bring us unhappiness and yet we still choose them time and again.
Some good news is that it’s not all our fault and it’s not our bodies betraying us, it’s the microbes.
The microbes in our gut play a major role in the foods we crave, including the unhealthy ones. If the gut microbiome has too many of certain types microbes like Candida we can be in a constant state of craving sweet things. And we can feel unsatisfied until we feed the cravings. I often describe this particular scenario like this: You have hardcore junkies living in your gut, they crave sugar as it’s their main food source and they are demanding satisfaction.
We all have some Candida bacteria in our bodies, that’s normal. It’s when the balance is out of whack that the problems occurs. Then one type of bacteria over grows and you have a new leader calling the shots. Often new leadership has sugar addiction and therefore so do you.
Sugar addiction doesn’t only apply to those of us who love chocolate and jelly sweets, it applies to those who love chips, cakes, cookies, bread and other starches. These are all sugar to the body.
So what now? What happens if you have a group of sugar addict microbes in your gut who demand that you feed them sugar? You can try take them out the cold turkey route if you have the will power. Or you could start introducing the other microorganisms you need to bring back balance.
Your whole body is made up of cells and microbes. More microbes outnumber than cells by 10:1. Some friends, some enemies. When there is balance they exist in a type of harmony, the same way we do. If too many thugs move into the neighborhood and the good guys get wiped out then things go haywire. This can happen in our mouths, throats, lungs, gut, vagina and skin.
Bringing balance back into these areas is a simple step you can take right now. Good microbes can be introduced through eating and drinking fermented foods and beverages or taking multi-strain probiotics daily. Doing this will introduce the good guys back and they will start to bring order.
Creating a balanced gut microbiome will help reduce cravings and make you not feel less powerless.
It is important to choose health because you are traveling in this body while on earth and and living in an unhealthy body is usually not a pleasant experience. The longer we stay unhealthy the more our bodies degrade. Our bodies rely heavily on microbes to function optimally. We have microbes to protect us, who help us manufacture vital vitamins and neurotransmitters, they break down our food for absorbtion, prevent allergies and so many more functions. We will see increased degradation when the microbe balance is out.
Kefir is a great way to get the balance back as authentic kefir contains multi-strain probiotics.
Choose health. Choose life. Choose love.
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