
Why is kefir so flipping fabulous?

There are amazing superfoods in this world, substances made of goodness which benefit us more than others. Kefir is one of these. Kefir is in a class of foods called fermented foods and beverages and these ferments have been around for thousands of years.

Fermented foods and beverages are:

Fermented foods and beverages, like kefir, are defined as “foods or beverages produced through controlled microbial growth, and the conversion of food components through enzymatic action. Sounds very scientific. The easy-to-understand version is – fermented foods and beverages are food and liquids that have been broken down by certain bacteria, enzymes or yeasts. Our bodies need the broken down and infused foods to do all kinds of things which we need.  The fabulous microbes benefit us in a few of the following ways.

Kefir is the Queen of ferments when it comes to probiotic diversity. Milk kefir averages 25+ strains in traditionally fermented kefir made with kefir grains. Water kefir comes at around 12+ strains. If you’d like more info on the types of strains, you can look at the link below. This excludes the beneficial yeasts. You will get more probiotics from 100ml’s of kefir made with live cultures than you will in a capsule probiotic from the pharmacy.

Kefir is easy to consume! The way we make it is at least. SO many people have been put off drinking kefir because of the flavour of plain milk kefir. It is definitely a taste you get used to quickly though. For those who still can’t take the original flavour, there is water kefir and flavoured milk kefir.

You can also make your own kefir at home which means you can choose any flavour you like. There are amazing water kefir flavours. We have some recipes for you to try here

How much kefir should you drink? In the ideal world a variety of fermented foods and drinks are what you’re after. A spoon of kimchi or sauerkraut with your evening meal which includes salad and or veggies. Half a glass of kefir once a day and half a glass of kombucha or apple cider vinegar will all help you stay in optimal health.

Kefir helps to rebalance all parts of your gut. From the stomach to the anus. Kefir has antifungal properties to help heal skin disorders. Kefir rebalances intestinal flora. Kefir reduces anxiety and depression. Kefir reduces cholesterol, eliminates bad bacteria, helps you poo and so many more.

If you haven’t tried kefir yet get down to stockiest of NuMe Kefir or order online.

If you have a gut issue that you are already aware of, please check out our gut health do’s and don’ts here. Sometimes when rebalancing your gut microbiome that you might experience a die off of the bad bacteria. This may feel like a headache or runny tummy. Take it slow. 100mls a day max in the beginning and keep going.

The microbes in your gut also need to be fed. They eat prebiotics. Prebiotics are insoluble fiber found in our foods. You can add prebiotics in daily though a supplement like Gut Build. Again, start slowly. If you have leaky gut and persistent IBS then you will need to embark on a very exciting journey to heal your gut lining. It’s not complicated and the relief will be worth the effort it takes to create a new habit.

Please share your kefir testimonies as reviews on our Facebook page and receive a 10% discount on your next online order.

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