Make your Day with this Delicious Kefir Breakfast

Starting your day on a good footing can make or break it. Breakfast is important. What are you giving your body and brain as fuel at the beginning of the day? Adding kefir to your diet will add a bounce to your steo and clarity to your mind. You can drink 100mls or add it to your foods. There are some amazing recipes for kefir based breakfasts.

According to an article in the Library of Medicine at PubMed online, beneficial bacteria found in kefir lasted longer if administered 30 minutes before eating compared to consuming the kefir 30 minutes after a meal.
This might seem like a strange thing to point out, however there is much debate on whether to have kefir on an empty stomach or not. There is evidence that consistent daily doses of kefir, at any time of the day, over a period of a month, has numerous health benefits regardless of the time of day that the kefir was consumed.

The overwhelming conclusion by studies of probiotics find that kefir delivers a wealth of beneficial bacteria and solves many fundamentals that cause discomfort.

How we start our day is often key to our mood and well being emotionally as well as physically. Like the study showed that kefir delivers bacteria surviving in the gut longer when consumed 30 minutes before a meal,  we at NUMESA believe that your day, mood and vital health will be greatly enhanced from the beginning of the day if you set your gut biome off to a great start!

You can have as little as 50ml of natural milk kefir in the morning for breakfast ahead of your first meal, and your body will love it. If you do every morning for a month, you will feel the difference and if that is all you do for your well being, YOU will also be off to a great start.Although…with summer fruit readily available in local supermarkets, many exotic ones even found in the frozen food aisles, why not make your morning kefir extra delicious and nutritious with this uplifting breakfast recipe.

Rasberry Kefir Overnight Oats

Rasberry overnight oats

Milk kefir contains 30+ strains of good probiotics.


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats *use certified gluten free if these are available where you live
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup milk kefir – I used Table of Plenty natural kefir
  • 1/2 cup almond milk or any other milk of choice
  • 1-2 tsp honey or maple syrup, or any other sweetener of choice
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp sultanas – OPTIONAL
  • 1/2 cup raspberries – fresh or frozen


  • Combine all of the ingredients except for the raspberries. Scoop into a jar or other lidded container. Top the mixture with the raspberries – if they’re frozen they will have time to defrost. 
  • Pop the lid on your container and place in the fridge for at least four hours, or preferably overnight. When ready, simply stick a spoon in and enjoy. You can also add extra crunchy toppings or a dollop of yoghurt or nut butter as well.

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