
IBS, bloating & gas how to deal with these issues

IBS, constipation, bloating & gas plague so many people. Daily experiences of discomfort and embarrassing moments are common for people suffering from IBS. You eat something and the next moment you’re in pain or swelling up like a balloon. This is the life of an IBS sufferer.

When one thinks bacteria, you think colds, flu and tummy bugs. And yes, bad bacteria and viruses do make us sick. Some more than others. The culprits behind your tummy issues are also the microorganism kind. Your gut has its own microbiome – a world of microorganisms that can help or harm you. IBS, bloating and gas are usually symptoms of this imbalance.

If your gut microbiome is unbalanced, with more bad bacteria than good, you develop symptoms like leaky gut, IBS, constipation, bloating and gas as the bad bacteria consumes the food in your body. None of these symptoms make for a happy life and you will often have to avoid gathering and events because you don’t know what your tummy is going to do. It’s painful and frustrating. Restoring the gut microbiome balance is key to reducing these symptoms and to feeling better.

To restore your gut microbiome balance you need to consume probiotics, preferably from a food source. This imbalance is known as gut dysbiosis. You can do this through eating and drinking fermented foods which are a great source of probiotics or you can take a multi-strain probiotic supplement. Probiotics are not only something to drink after antibiotics but are vital to your gut being able to produce nutrients, breakdown food and for the production of neurotransmitters. These beneficial microbes called probiotics will often reduce the symptoms of IBS like gas and bloating.

Kefir is a probiotic rich beverage, which means it contains numerous strains of beneficial bacteria. These good bacteria will help restore gut balance and replace the missing bacteria you need to help your gut microbiome. By putting back the microbes that keep the balance you can help alleviate the symptoms of IBS, constipation, bloating, gas and a plethora of other issues in your body.

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